Creates a new Solver
A function that takes an argument of the generic type
A function splitting the interval to find a parameter for the next iteration, may simply be the arithmetic mean
A function that determines a difference between the borders of the current interval and compares this to the given precision
The left border of the interval found
The function value at the left border of the interval found
The right border of the interval found
The function value at the right border of the interval found
Finds a solution with the given precision in the given interval using the functions this Solver was constructed with. After the method returns, find the data in this objects properties.
The parameter on one side of the interval.
The parameter on the other side, may be "smaller" than [[_left]].
The desired precision of the solution.
The value on the left side of the interval, omit if yet unknown or pass in if known for better performance.
The value on the right side of the interval, omit if yet unknown or pass in if known for better performance.
Error if both sides of the interval return the same value.
Within a given precision, an object of this class finds the parameter value at which a given function switches its boolean return value using interval splitting (bisection). Pass the type of the parameter and the type the precision is measured in.