Handles multiple controls as inputs and creates an output from that. As a subclass of Control, axis calculates the ouput summing up the inputs and processing the result using its own settings.
Dispatches EVENT_CONTROL.OUTPUT and EVENT_CONTROL.INPUT when one of the controls dispatches them.

          │ ┌───────┐                                 │
  Input → │ │control│\                                │
          │ └───────┘ \                               │
          │ ┌───────┐  \┌───┐   ┌─────────────────┐   │
  Input → │ │control│---│sum│ → │internal control │ → │ → Output
          │ └───────┘  /└───┘   └─────────────────┘   │
          │ ┌───────┐ /                               │
  Input → │ │control│/                                │
          │ └───────┘                                 │

Hierarchy (view full)



active: boolean
name: string


  • Set the number of output-events to dispatch per second. At the default of 0, the control output must be polled and will only actively dispatched once each time input occurs and the output changes.


    • _rateDispatchOutput: number = 0

    Returns void