The group that this rigidbody belongs to. Default is the DEFAULT Group which means its just a normal Rigidbody not a trigger nor anything special.
Error threshold. Default is 0.05. The higher the more likely collisions get detected before actual impact at high speeds but it's visually less accurate.
Groups the default rigidbody will collide with. Set it like: (PHYSICS_GROUP.DEFAULT | PHYSICS_GROUP.GROUP_1 | PHYSICS_GROUP.GROUP_2 | PHYSICS_GROUP.GROUP_3) to collide with multiple groups. Default is collision with everything but triggers.
Change the type of joint solver algorithm. Default Iterative == 0, is faster but less stable. Direct == 1, slow but more stable, recommended for complex joint work. Change this setting only at the start of your game.
The correction algorithm used to correct physics calculations. Change this only at the beginning of your game. Each has different approaches, so if you have problems test another Default 0 = Baumgarte (fast but less correct induces some energy errors), 1 = Split-Impulse (fast and no engery errors, but more inaccurate for joints), 2 = Non-linear Gauss Seidel (slowest but most accurate)
The default applied friction between two rigidbodies with the default value. How much velocity is slowed down when moving accross this surface.
Bounciness of rigidbodies. How much of the impact is restituted.
Change if rigidbodies are able to sleep (don't be considered in physical calculations) when their movement is below a threshold. Deactivation is decreasing performance for minor advantage in precision.
Sleeping Threshold for Rotation Velocity.
Threshold how long the Rigidbody must be below/above the threshold to count as sleeping.
Sleeping Threshold for Movement Veloctiy.
The precision of the simulation in form of number of iterations the simulations runs through until it accepts the result. 10 Default - Higher means more precision but results in a performance decrease. This helps especially with joints, but also the general stability of the simulation due to simulation steps being rechecked multiple times before being set.
General settings for the physic simulation and the debug of it.