Returns the length of the vector
Returns the square of the magnitude of the vector without calculating a square root. Faster for simple proximity evaluation.
Retrieves the type of this mutable subclass as the name of the runtime class
The type of the mutable
See EventTarget.addEventListener for reference. Works with EventListenerUnified and EventUnified
_options: boolean | AddEventListenerOptionsApplies the given function to all components of this vector (modifying it) and returns it.
Recreates this instance of Serializable with the information from the given Serialization.
See EventTarget.dispatchEvent for reference. Works with with EventUnified
Returns true if the coordinates of this and the given vector are to be considered identical within the given tolerance TODO: examine, if tolerance as criterium for the difference is appropriate with very large coordinate values or if _tolerance should be multiplied by coordinate value
Returns the distance bewtween this vector and the given vector
Retrieves the specified attribute types from the metadata of this instance's class.
Collect applicable attributes of the instance and copies of their values in a Mutator-object. By default, a mutator cannot be extended, since extensions are not available in the object the mutator belongs to. A mutator may be reduced by the descendants of Mutable to contain only the properties needed.
Returns an associative array with the same attributes as the given mutator, but with the corresponding types as string-values. Does not recurse into objects! This will return the decorated meta-type instead of the runtime-type of the object, if available.
Collect the attributes of the instance and their values applicable for animation. Basic functionality is identical to getMutator, returned mutator should then be reduced by the subclassed instance
Collect the attributes of the instance and their values applicable for the user interface. Basic functionality is identical to getMutator, returned mutator should then be reduced by the subclassed instance
Returns true if the position described by this is within a sphere with the given center and radius
Uses the standard functionality to perform the given function on all components of this vector and return a new vector with the results
Updates the attribute values of the instance according to the state of the mutator. The mutation may be restricted to a subset of the mutator and the event dispatching suppressed. Uses mutateBase, but can be overwritten in subclasses
Reflects this vector at a given normal. See Vector3.REFLECTION
See EventTarget.removeEventListener for reference. Works with EventListenerUnified and EventUnified
_options: boolean | AddEventListenerOptionsReturns a Serialization of this object.
Transforms this vector by the given matrix or rotation quaternion. Including or exluding the translation if a matrix is passed. Including is the default, excluding will only rotate and scale this vector.
Updates the values of the given mutator according to the current state of the instance
SMOOTHDAMPSmoothly interpolates between two vectors based on a critically damped spring model. Allows to smooth toward a moving target with an ease-in/ease-out motion maintaining a continuous velocity. Does not overshoot.
The current value.
The target value.
The velocity at which the value is moving. This value is modified by the function and must be maintained in the outside context.
The time it would take for the value to reach the target if it were moving at maximum velocity for the entire duration. When following a moving target the smooth time equals the lag time allowing to calculate the lag distance = target velocity * smooth time
The elapsed time since the last call to the function.
An optional maximum speed that limits the velocity of the value. Defaults to Infinity.
from Andrew Kirmse, Game Programming Gems 4, Chapter 1.10
TRANSFORMATIONCreates and returns a vector through transformation of the given vector by the given matrix or rotation quaternion.
Stores and manipulates a threedimensional vector comprised of the components x, y and z
Jascha Karagöl, HFU, 2019 | Jirka Dell'Oro-Friedl, HFU, 2019-2022 | Jonas Plotzky, HFU, 2023