• Decorator to specify a type (constructor) for an attribute within a class's metadata. This allows the intended type of an attribute to be known at runtime, making it a valid drop target in the editor.

    Note: Attributes with a specified meta-type will always be included in the base-mutator (via Mutable.getMutator), regardless of their own type. Non-mutable objects will be displayed via their toString method in the editor.


    • _constructor: (new (...args) => any)
        • new (...args): any
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns any

    Returns ((_value, _context) => void)

      • (_value, _context): void
      • Parameters

        • _value: unknown
        • _context: ClassFieldDecoratorContext | ClassGetterDecoratorContext | ClassAccessorDecoratorContext

        Returns void