Class FudgeServer

Manages the websocket connections to FudgeClients, their ids and login names and keeps track of the peer to peer connections between them. Processes messages from the clients in the format FudgeNet.Message according to the controlling fields FudgeNet.ROUTE and FudgeNet.COMMAND.


Falco Böhnke, HFU, 2019 | Jirka Dell'Oro-Friedl, HFU, 2021 TODOs:

  • finalize the tracking of peers, deleted clients may not be removed from peers-array
  • pass messages through the server to other clients to have them use the safe websocket connection



rooms: Rooms = {}
socket: Server<typeof WebSocket, typeof IncomingMessage>


  • Starts the server on the given port, installs the appropriate event-listeners and starts the heartbeat


    • _port: number = 8080

    Returns void