Connects a [[Mutable]] to a DOM-Element and synchronizes that mutable with the mutator stored within. Updates the mutable on interaction with the element and the element in time intervals.



domElement: HTMLElement


  • Performs a breadth-first search on the given _domElement for an element with the given key.


    • Optional _mutator: Mutator
    • Optional _types: Mutator

    Returns Mutator

  • Performs a breadth-first search on the given _domElement for an element with the given key.


    • _domElement: HTMLElement
    • _key: string

    Returns HTMLElement

  • Recursive method taking the a [[ƒ.Mutable]] as a template to create a [[ƒ.Mutator]] or update the given [[ƒ.Mutator]] with the values in the given UI-domElement


    • _mutable: Mutable | MutableArray<Mutable>
    • _domElement: HTMLElement
    • Optional _mutator: Mutator
    • Optional _types: Mutator

    Returns Mutator

  • Recursive method taking an existing [[ƒ.Mutator]] as a template and updating its values with those found in the given UI-domElement.


    • _domElement: HTMLElement
    • _mutator: Mutator

    Returns Mutator

  • Recursive method taking the [[ƒ.Mutator]] of a [[ƒ.Mutable]] and updating the UI-domElement accordingly. If an additional [[ƒ.Mutator]] is passed, its values are used instead of those of the [[ƒ.Mutable]].


    • _mutable: Mutable | MutableArray<Mutable>
    • _domElement: HTMLElement
    • Optional _mutator: Mutator

    Returns void