Subclass this to create a broker between your data and a [[Table]] to display and manipulate it. The [[Table]] doesn't know how your data is structured and how to handle it, the controller implements the methods needed

Type Parameters

  • T



copyPaste: {
    sources: T[];
    target: T;
} = ...

Stores references to objects being dragged, and objects to drop on. Override with a reference in outer scope, if drag&drop should operate outside of table

Type declaration

  • sources: T[]
  • target: T
dragDrop: {
    sources: T[];
    target: T;
} = ...

Stores references to objects being dragged, and objects to drop on. Override with a reference in outer scope, if drag&drop should operate outside of table

Type declaration

  • sources: T[]
  • target: T
selection: T[] = []

Stores references to selected objects. Override with a reference in outer scope, if selection should also operate outside of table


  • Retrieve a string to create a label for the table item representing the object (appears not to be called yet)


    • _object: T

    Returns string

  • Return false if renaming of object is not possibile, or true if the object was renamed


    • _object: T
    • _new: string

    Returns Promise<boolean>