Subclass this to create a broker between your data and a Tree to display and manipulate it. The Tree doesn't know how your data is structured and how to handle it, the controller implements the methods needed

Type Parameters

  • T

Hierarchy (view full)



dragDropIndicator: HTMLHRElement = ...

Used by the tree to indicate the drop position while dragging

selection: T[] = []

Stores references to selected objects. Override with a reference in outer scope, if selection should also operate outside of table

sortable: boolean = true

Override to enable tree items to be sortable by the user via drag-and-drop. Default is true.


  • Process the list of source objects to be addedAsChildren when dropping or pasting onto the target item/object, return the list of objects that should visibly become the children of the target item/object


    • _sources: T[]
    • _target: T

      The object referenced by the item the drop occurs on

    • Optional _index: number

    Returns T[]

  • Create an HTMLElement for the tree item representing the object. e.g. an HTMLInputElement


    • _object: T

    Returns HTMLElement

  • Refer objects to the clipboard for copy & paste and delete them from this controller


    • _focus: T

      The item that has the focus and that will be cut if the selection is empty, otherwise the whole selection gets referred and deleted

    • _operation: ClipOperation

    Returns Promise<T[]>

  • Remove the objects to be deleted, e.g. the current selection, from the data structure the table refers to and return a list of those objects in order for the according TableItems to be deleted also


    • _expendables: T[]

      The expendable objects

    Returns Promise<T[]>

  • Refer objects to the clipboard for drag & drop


    • _focus: T

      The item that has the focus and that will be dragged if the selection is empty, otherwise the current selection is referred

    Returns void

  • Retrieve objects from the clipboard, process and return them to add to the tree. Standard behaviour: if {@link: dragOver} yields "copy", return an array of clones of the objects in, otherwise the content of the dragDrop-clipboard.


    • _event: DragEvent

    Returns Promise<T[]>

  • Checks if two objects of are equal. Default is _a == _b. Override for more complex comparisons. Useful when the underlying data is volatile and changes identity while staying the same.


    • _a: T
    • _b: T

    Returns boolean

  • Retrieve a space separated string of attributes to add to the list item representing the object for further styling


    • _object: T

    Returns string

  • Return true if the object has children that must be shown when unfolding the tree item


    • _object: T

    Returns boolean

  • Retrieve objects from the clipboard, process and return them to add to the table
    Standard behaviour: if the copyPaste clipboard was filled using copy, return an array of clones, otherwise the content of the clipboard

    Returns Promise<T[]>

  • Process the proposed new value. The id of the html element on which the change occured is passed


    • _object: T
    • _element: HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement

    Returns Promise<boolean>