An Animation loaded from a glTF-File.


Jonas Plotzky




animationStructure: AnimationStructure
idResource: string
labels: AnimationLabel = {}
name: string
totalTime: number = 0
type: string
url: RequestInfo
iSubclass: number = ...
subclasses: typeof Animation[] = []



  • Calculates and returns the direction the animation should currently be playing in.


    Returns number

    1 if forward, 0 if stop, -1 if backwards

  • (Re-)Calculate the total time of the Animation. Calculation-heavy, use only if actually needed.

    Returns void

  • Returns a list of the names of the events the ComponentAnimation needs to fire between _min and _max input values.


    • _min: number
    • _max: number
    • _quantization: ANIMATION_QUANTIZATION
    • _direction: number

      The direction the animation is supposed to run in. >0 == forward, 0 == stop, <0 == backwards

    Returns string[]

    a list of strings with the names of the custom events to fire.

  • Returns the time to use for animation sampling when applying a playmode


    Returns number

  • Collect applicable attributes of the instance and copies of their values in a Mutator-object. By default, a mutator cannot be extended, since extensions are not available in the object the mutator belongs to. A mutator may be reduced by the descendants of Mutable to contain only the properties needed.


    • _extendable: boolean = false

    Returns Mutator

  • Returns an associative array with the same attributes as the given mutator, but with the corresponding types as string-values. Does not recurse into objects! This will return the decorated meta-type instead of the runtime-type of the object, if available.


    Returns MutatorAttributeTypes

  • Collect the attributes of the instance and their values applicable for animation. Basic functionality is identical to getMutator, returned mutator should then be reduced by the subclassed instance


    • _extendable: boolean = false

    Returns MutatorForAnimation

  • Generates and returns a Mutator with the information to apply to the Node to animate in the state the animation is in at the given time, direction and quantization


    Returns Mutator

  • Updates the attribute values of the instance according to the state of the mutator. The mutation may be restricted to a subset of the mutator and the event dispatching suppressed. Uses mutateBase, but can be overwritten in subclasses


    • _mutator: Mutator
    • _selection: string[] = null
    • _dispatchMutate: boolean = true

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Removes the event with the given name from the list of events.


    • _name: string

      name of the event to remove.

    Returns void

  • Adds an Event to the List of events.


    • _name: string

      The name of the event (needs to be unique per Animation).

    • _time: number

      The timestamp of the event (in milliseconds).

    Returns void

  • Updates the values of the given mutator according to the current state of the instance


    Returns void

  • Add the given additive mutator to the given base mutator. The values of the additive mutator will be multiplied by the given weight.


    Returns Mutator

  • Override the given base mutator with the given override mutator using linear interpolation between the values with the given weight. Set the intersect flag to only include properties in the result that exist in both of the given mutators.


    • _base: Mutator
    • _override: Mutator
    • _weight: number
    • _intersect: boolean = false

    Returns Mutator

  • Blend the two given mutators together, using the given weights to determine the influence of each. The resulting mutator will contain all properties of the base mutator, with the properties of the blend mutator blended in. Blend mutator properties that don't exist in the base mutator will be added to the result mutator. Set the intersect flag to only include properties in the result that exist in both of the given mutators.


    • _base: Mutator
    • _blend: Mutator
    • _weightBase: number
    • _weightBlend: number
    • _intersect: boolean = false

    Returns Mutator