Sets a position that a ComponentWalker can use as a target point. Implements Waypoint. Registers itself to a static list of all available waypoints


Lukas Scheuerle, HFU, 2024

Hierarchy (view full)




mtxLocal: Matrix4x4
baseClass: typeof Component = Component

refers back to this class from any subclass e.g. in order to find compatible other resources

iSubclass: number = ...

subclasses get a iSubclass number for identification

subclasses: typeof Component[] = []

list of all the subclasses derived from this class, if they registered properly


  • get isSingleton(): boolean
  • Is true, when only one instance of the component class can be attached to a node

    Returns boolean

  • get type(): string
  • Retrieves the type of this mutable subclass as the name of the runtime class

    Returns string

    The type of the mutable


  • Collect applicable attributes of the instance and copies of their values in a Mutator-object. By default, a mutator cannot be extended, since extensions are not available in the object the mutator belongs to. A mutator may be reduced by the descendants of Mutable to contain only the properties needed.


    • _extendable: boolean = false

    Returns Mutator

  • Updates the attribute values of the instance according to the state of the mutator. The mutation may be restricted to a subset of the mutator and the event dispatching suppressed. Uses mutateBase, but can be overwritten in subclasses


    • _mutator: Mutator
    • _selection: string[] = null
    • _dispatchMutate: boolean = true

    Returns Promise<void>

  • A shorthand to create a connection between two ComponentWaypoints


    • _start: ComponentWaypoint

      The ComponentWaypoint from which to start the connection.

    • _end: ComponentWaypoint

      The ComponentWaypoint to which the connection leads.

    • _cost: number

      The cost of the connection. The higher the value, the less likely it is to be taken. Cannot be negative.

    • _speedModifier: number = 1

      How fast the connection can be walked on. Defaults to 1

    • _bothWays: boolean = false

      If true, creates a connection in both directions. Default: false

    Returns void