Class GizmosAbstract

The gizmos drawing interface. Components can use this to draw visual aids inside Component.drawGizmos and Component.drawGizmosSelected.




  • Draws lines between each pair of the given vertices. Vertices are paired sequentially, so for example, lines will be drawn between vertices 0 and 1, 2 and 3, 4 and 5, etc.


    Returns void

  • Draws a circle with a diameter of 1. The circle lies in the x-y plane, with its center at the origin.


    • _mtxWorld: Matrix4x4
    • _color: Color
    • _alphaOccluded: number = Gizmos.alphaOccluded

    Returns void

  • Draws a cone with a height and diameter of 1. The cone is oriented along the z-axis with the tip at the origin.


    • _mtxWorld: Matrix4x4
    • _color: Color
    • _alphaOccluded: number = Gizmos.alphaOccluded

    Returns void

  • Draws a wireframe cube. The cube has a side-length of 1 and is centered around the origin.


    • _mtxWorld: Matrix4x4
    • _color: Color
    • _alphaOccluded: number = Gizmos.alphaOccluded

    Returns void

  • Draws a camera frustum for the given parameters. The frustum is oriented along the z-axis, with the tip of the truncated pyramid at the origin.


    • _aspect: number
    • _fov: number
    • _near: number
    • _far: number
    • _direction: FIELD_OF_VIEW
    • _mtxWorld: Matrix4x4
    • _color: Color
    • _alphaOccluded: number = Gizmos.alphaOccluded

    Returns void

  • Draws a wireframe sphere. The sphere has a diameter of 1 and is centered around the origin.


    • _mtxWorld: Matrix4x4
    • _color: Color
    • _alphaOccluded: number = Gizmos.alphaOccluded

    Returns void