Special type of Event for physics.


  • Event
    • EventPhysics


  • Creates a new event customized for physics. Holding informations about impulses. Collision point and the body that is colliding


    Returns EventPhysics


binomalImpulse: number
cmpRigidbody: ComponentRigidbody

ComponentRigidbody that collided with this ComponentRigidbody

collisionNormal: Vector3

The normal vector of the collision. Only existing on COLLISION_ENTER

collisionPoint: Vector3

The point where the collision/triggering initially happened. The collision point exists only on COLLISION_ENTER / TRIGGER_ENTER.

normalImpulse: number

The normal impulse between the two colliding objects. Normal represents the default impulse. Impulse is only happening on COLLISION_ENTER, so there is no impulse on exit nor on triggers. Use the velocity of the cmpRigidbody to determine the intensity of the EVENT instead.

tangentImpulse: number