An instance of a Graph.
This node keeps a reference to its resource an can thus optimize serialization


Jirka Dell'Oro-Friedl, HFU, 2019


Hierarchy (view full)



appendChild: ((_child) => void) = ...

Simply calls addChild. This reference is here solely because appendChild is the equivalent method in DOM. See and preferably use addChild

Type declaration

    • (_child): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

mtxWorld: Matrix4x4 = ...
nNodesInBranch: number = 0

The number of nodes of the whole branch including this node and all successors

name: string
radius: number = 0

The radius of the bounding sphere in world dimensions enclosing the geometry of this node and all successors in the branch

timestampUpdate: number = 0
count: number = 0

id of the resource that instance was created from


  • get nChildren(): number
  • Returns the number of children attached to this

    Returns number


  • Adds the given reference to a node to the list of children, if not already in


    Returns void


    Error when trying to add an ancestor of this

  • Adds the given reference to a node to the list of children at the given index. If it is already a child, it is moved to the new position.


    • _child: Node
    • _index: number

    Returns void

  • Adds an event listener to the node. The given handler will be called when a matching event is passed to the node. Deviating from the standard EventTarget, here the _handler must be a function and _capture is the only option.


    Returns void

  • Broadcasts a synthetic event to this node and from there to all nodes deeper in the hierarchy, invoking matching handlers of the nodes listening to the capture phase. Watch performance when there are many nodes involved


    • _event: Event

    Returns void

  • Dispatches a synthetic event to target. This implementation always returns true (standard: return true only if either event's cancelable attribute value is false or its preventDefault() method was not invoked) The event travels into the hierarchy to this node dispatching the event, invoking matching handlers of the nodes ancestors listening to the capture phase, than the matching handler of the target node in the target phase, and back out of the hierarchy in the bubbling phase, invoking appropriate handlers of the anvestors


    • _event: Event

    Returns boolean

  • Dispatches a synthetic event to target without travelling through the graph hierarchy neither during capture nor bubbling phase


    • _event: Event

    Returns boolean

  • Returns the first compontent found of the given class attached this node or null, if list is empty or doesn't exist

    Type Parameters


    • _class: (new () => T)
        • new (): T
        • Returns T

    Returns T

  • Generator yielding the node and all decendants in the graph below for iteration Inactive nodes and their descendants can be filtered


    • _active: boolean = false

    Returns IterableIterator<Node>

  • Returns true if the given timestamp matches the last update timestamp this node underwent, else false


    • _timestampUpdate: number

    Returns boolean