Class RenderAbstract

The main interface to the render engine, here WebGL (see superclass RenderWebGL and the RenderInjectors

Hierarchy (view full)


componentsPick: RecycableArray<ComponentPick> = ...
gizmos: RecycableArray<Component> = ...
nodesPhysics: RecycableArray<Node> = ...
pickBuffer: Int32Array
rectClip: Rectangle = ...
uboLights: WebGLBuffer
uboLightsVariableOffsets: {
    [_name: string]: number;

Type declaration

  • [_name: string]: number


  • Checks the first parameter and throws an exception with the WebGL-errorcode if the value is null

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • _value: T

      value to check against null

    • _message: string = ""

      optional, additional message for the exception

    Returns T

  • Initializes offscreen-canvas, renderingcontext and hardware viewport. Call once before creating any resources like meshes or shaders


    • Optional _antialias: boolean
    • Optional _alpha: boolean

    Returns WebGL2RenderingContext

  • Used with a Picker-camera, this method renders one pixel with picking information for each node in the line of sight and return that as an unsorted Pick-array


    • _nodes: Node[]
    • _cmpCamera: ComponentCamera
    • _pickGizmos: boolean = false
    • Optional _gizmosFilter: Map<string, boolean>

    Returns Pick[]

  • Recursively iterates over the branch starting with the node given, recalculates all world transforms, collects all lights and feeds all shaders used in the graph with these lights. Sorts nodes for different render passes.


    Returns void