Provides static methods for picking using Render


Jirka Dell'Oro-Friedl, HFU, 2021



  • Takes a camera and a point on its virtual normed projection plane (distance 1) to construct the picker-camera, then renders the pick-texture and returns an unsorted Pick-array with information about the hits of the ray.


    • _nodes: Node[]
    • _cmpCamera: ComponentCamera
    • _posProjection: Vector2
    • _pickGizmos: boolean = false
    • Optional _gizmosFilter: Map<string, boolean>

    Returns Pick[]

  • Takes a ray plus min and max values for the near and far planes to construct the picker-camera, then renders the pick-texture and returns an unsorted Pick-array with information about the hits of the ray.


    • _nodes: Node[]
    • _ray: Ray
    • _min: number
    • _max: number
    • _pickGizmos: boolean = false
    • Optional _gizmosFilter: Map<string, boolean>

    Returns Pick[]

  • Takes the camera of the given viewport and a point the client surface to construct the picker-camera, then renders the pick-texture and returns an unsorted Pick-array with information about the hits of the ray.


    Returns Pick[]