Represents a vertex of a mesh with extended information such as the uv coordinates and the vertex normal. It may refer to another vertex via an index into some array, in which case the position and the normal are stored there. This way, vertex position and normal is a 1:1 association, vertex to texture coordinates a 1:n association.


Jirka Dell'Oro-Friedl, HFU, 2022


  • Represents a vertex of a mesh with extended information such as the uv coordinates the vertex normal and its tangents. It may refer to another vertex via an index into some array, in which case the position and the normal are stored there. This way, vertex position and normal is a 1:1 association, vertex to texture coordinates a 1:n association.


    Returns Vertex


    Jirka Dell'Oro-Friedl, HFU, 2022


bones: Bone[]
color: Color
normal: Vector3
position: Vector3
referTo: number
tangent: Vector4