Enumeration EVENTConst

Types of events specific to FUDGE, in addition to the standard DOM/Browser-Types and custom strings

Enumeration Members

ATTACH_BRANCH: "attachBranch"

dispatched to Node when it gets attached to a viewport for rendering. Broadcasted, so needs to be caught in capture.

CHILD_APPEND: "childAppend"

dispatched to a child Node and its ancestors after it was appended to a parent

CHILD_REMOVE: "childRemove"

dispatched to a child Node and its ancestors just before its being removed from its parent

COMPONENT_ACTIVATE: "componentActivate"

dispatched to a Component when its being activated

COMPONENT_ADD: "componentAdd"

dispatched to a Component when its being added to a Node

COMPONENT_DEACTIVATE: "componentDeactivate"

dispatched to a Component when its being deactivated

COMPONENT_REMOVE: "componentRemove"

dispatched to a Component when its being removed from a Node

DISCONNECT_JOINT: "disconnectJoint"

dispatched to Joint-Components in order to disconnect

FILE_LOADED: "fileLoaded"

dispatched to FileIoBrowserLocal when a list of files has been loaded

FILE_SAVED: "fileSaved"

dispatched to FileIoBrowserLocal when a list of files has been saved

FOCUS_IN: "focusin"

dispatched to Viewport when it gets the focus to receive keyboard input

FOCUS_OUT: "focusout"

dispatched to Viewport when it loses the focus to receive keyboard input

GRAPH_DESERIALIZED: "graphDeserialized"

dispatched to a Graph when it's finished deserializing. Broadcasted, so needs to be caught in capture.

GRAPH_INSTANTIATED: "graphInstantiated"

dispatched to GraphInstance when it's content is set according to a serialization of a Graph. Broadcasted, so needs to be caught in capture.

GRAPH_MUTATED: "graphMutated"

dispatched by a Graph when it and its connected instances have finished mutating

LOOP_FRAME: "loopFrame"

dispatched to targets registered at Loop, when requested animation frame starts

MUTATE: "mutate"

dispatched to a Mutable when it mutates

MUTATE_GRAPH: "mutateGraph"

dispatched by a Graph when it mutates, GraphInstances connected to the graph listen

MUTATE_INSTANCE: "mutateGraphDone"

dispatched by a GraphInstance when it reflected the mutation of the Graph it's connected to

NODE_ACTIVATE: "nodeActivate"

dispatched to a Node, it's successors and ancestors when its being activated

NODE_DEACTIVATE: "nodeDeactivate"

dispatched to a Node, it's successors and ancestors when its being deactivated

NODE_DESERIALIZED: "nodeDeserialized"

dispatched to Node and all its Components when it's done deserializing, so all components, children and attributes are available

NODE_SERIALIZED: "nodeSerialized"

dispatched to Node when it's done serializing

PATHING_CONCLUDED: "pathingConcluded"

dispatched to ComponentWalker when the final Waypoint in the current path has been reached

RENDER_END: "renderEnd"

dispatched to Viewport at the end of a rendered frame right before it gets displayed. At this point Gizmos can still be drawn.

RENDER_PREPARE: "renderPrepare"

dispatched to Node when recalculating transforms for render

RENDER_PREPARE_END: "renderPrepareEnd"

dispatched to Viewport and Node when recalculation of the branch to render ends. The branch dispatches before the lights are transmitted to the shaders

RENDER_PREPARE_START: "renderPrepareStart"

dispatched to Viewport and Node when recalculation of the branch to render starts.

RESOURCES_LOADED: "resourcesLoaded"

dispatched to Project when it's done loading resources from a url

TIME_SCALED: "timeScaled"

dispatched to Time when it's scaling changed

WAYPOINT_REACHED: "waypointReached"